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Too drunk? Play some games with your pee first before you leave!

Have you ever tried playing video-games with your pee? This is really something revolutionary and sounds really exciting. If it’s such an interesting game that you’d have stayed inside the toilet for the whole day long to play with it. Do remember to have couple of bottles of water next to you, so you can drink along to let your bladder store up sufficient urine to continuously play the game!
It’ no joke, there is really such a game system out there, it’s called Piss Screen. But this system is specially designed for installation at those bars, pubs and disco places. It’s meant for alerting those too drunk to be better taking a taxi home instead of driving home drunk. The game is modeled after the Need For Speed. It consists of couple of pressure-sensitive sensors installed on the urinals. When you’re in front of the urinal, you’ve gotta be quick in your reaction. If you’re simply too slow, you’ll end up of crashing the car (in the game) and you’ll be shown with a message: “Too pissed to drive? Take a Taxi instead!”. It’s kinda fun having this idea to prevent drunk driving. Perhaps, you could have this installed at your home toilet if your days were simply too boring.


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